Of the Planet SATURN, and his Signification
He is called usually Saturn, but in some Authors Chronos Phoenon, Falcifer.
He is the supreamest or highest of all Planets; is placed betwixt Jupiter and the Firmament, he is not very bright or glorious, or doth he twincle or sparkle, but is of a Pale, Wan or Leaden, Ashy colour slow in motion.
Finishing his Course through the twelve signs of the Zodiack in 29 yeers, 157 dayes, or thereabouts; his middle motion is two minutes and one second; his diurnall motion sometimes is three, four, five, or six minutes, or seldom more.
His greatest North Latitude from the Ecliptick is two degrees 48 minutes; his South Latitude from the Ecliptick is two degrees 49 minutes; and more then this he hath not.
In the Zodiack he hath two of the twelve Signes for his Houses, viz. Capricorn his Night—house, Aquarius his Day-house; he has his Exaltation in Libra, he receives his Fall in Aries; he rejoyceth in the sign Aquarius.
He governeth the Aiery Triplicity by day, which is composed of these Signs; Gemini, Libra, Aquarius;
In all the twelve Signe he hath these degrees for his Terms, allotted him by Ptolomy.
In Aries, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In Taurus, 23, 24, 25, 26.
In Gemini, 22, 23, 24, 25.
In Cancer, 28, 29, 30.
In Leo, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In Virgo, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.
In Libra, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In Scorpio, 28, 29, 30.
In Sagittarius, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
In Capricorn, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In Aquarius, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In Pisces, 27, 28, 29, 30.
The meaning whereof is, that if Saturn in any Question be any of these degrees wherein he hath a Term, he cannot be said to be Peregrine, or void of essentiall dignities; or if he be in any of these degrees allotted him for his Face or Decanate, he cannot then be said to be peregrine: understand this in all the other Planets.
He hath also these for his Face or Decanate.
In Taurus, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In Leo, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In Libra, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In Sagittarius, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In Pisces, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
He continueth Retrograde 140 dayes. He is five dayes in his first station before Retrogradation,and so many in his second station before Direction.
He is a Diurnall Planet, Cold and Dry (being far removed from the heat of the Sun) and moyst Vapours, Melancholick, Earthly, Masculine, the greater Infortune, author of Solitarinesse, Malevolent, &c.
Then he is profound in Imagination, in his Acts severe, in words reserved, in speaking and giving very spare, in labour patient, in arguing or disputing grave, in obtaining the goods of this life studious and solicitous, in all manner of actions austere.
Then he is envious, covetous, jealous and mistrustfull, timorus, sordid, outwardly dissembling, sluggish, suspicious, stubborn, a contemner of women, a close lyar, malicious, murmuring, never contented, ever repining.
Most part his Body more cold and dry, of a middle stature; his complexion pale, swartish or muddy, his Eyes little and black, looking downward, a broad Forehead, black or sad Hair, and it hard or rugged, great Eares; hanging, lowring Eye-brows, thick Lips and Nose, a rare or thin Beard, a lumpish, unpleasant Countenance, either holding his Head forward or stooping, his Shoulders broad and large, and many times crooked, his Belly somewhat short and lank, his Thighs spare; lean and not long; his Knees and Feet indecent, many times shoveling or hitting one against another, &c.
You must observe, if Saturn be Orientall of the Sun, the stature is more short, but decent and well composed.
The man is more black and lean, and fewer Hairs; and again, if he want latitude, the body is more lean, if he have great latitude, the body is more fat or fleshy; if the latitude be Meridionall or South, more fleshy; if the latitude be Meridionall or South, more fleshy, but quick in motion. If the latitude be North, hairy and much flesh. Saturn in his first station, a little fat. In his second station, fat, ill favoured Bodies, and weak; and this observe constantly in all the other Planets.
In generall he signifieth Husbandmen, Clowns, Beggars, Day-labourers, Old-men, Fathers, Grand-fathers, Monks, Jesuits, Sectarists.
Curriers, Night-farmers, Miners under ground, Tinners, Potters, Broom-men, Plummers, Brick-makers, Malsters, Chimney-sweepers, Sextons of Churches, Bearers of dead corps, Scavengers, Hostlers, Colliers, Carters, Gardiners, Ditchers, Chandlers, Diers of Black cloth, an Herdsman, Shepheard or Cow-keeper.
All Impediments in the right Ears, Teeth, all quartan Agues proceeding of cold, , dry and melancholly Distempers, Leprocies, Rheumes, Consumptions, black Jaundies, Palsies, Tremblings, vain Feares, Fantasies, Dropsie, the Hand and Foot-gout, Apoplexies, Dog-hunger, too much flux of the Hemoroids, Ruptures if in Scorpio or Leo, in any ill aspect with Venus.
Sower, Bitter, Sharp, in mans body he principally ruleth the Spleen.
He governeth Beirsfoot, Starwort, Woolf-bane, Hemlock, Ferne, Hellebor the white and black, Henbane, Ceterach or Finger-ferne, Clotbur or Burdock, Parsnip, Dragon, Pulse, Vervine, Mandrake, Poppy, Mosse, Nightshade, Bythwind, Angelida, Sage, Box, Tutfan, Orage or golden Hearb, Spinach, Shepheards Purse, Cummin, Horitaile, Fumitory.
Tamarisk, Savine, Sene, Capers, Rue or Hearbgrice, Polipody, Willow or Sallow Tree, Yew-tree, Cypress tree, Hemp, Pine-tree.
The Asse, Cat Hare, Mouse, Mole, Elephant, Beare,,Dog, Wolf, Bastlisk, Crocodile, Scoprion, Toad, Serpent, Adder, Hog, all manner of creeping Creatures breeding of putrification, either in the Earth, Water or Ruines of Houses.
The Eele, Tortoise, Shel-fishes. The Bat or Blude-black, Crow, Lapwing, Owle, Gnat, Crane, Peacock, Grashopper, Thrush, Blackbird, Ostritch, Cuckoo.
He delights in Deserts, Woods, obscure Vallies, Caves, Dens, Holes, Mountaines, or where men have been buried, Church-yards, &c. Ruinous Buildings, Cole-mines, Sinks, Dirty or Stinking Muddy Places, Wells and Houses of Offices, &c.
He ruleth over Lead, the Lead-stone, the Drosse of all Mettals, as also , the Dust and Rubbidge of every thing.
Saphire, Lapis Lazuli, all black, ugly Country Stones not polishable, and of a sad ashy or black colour.
He causeth Cloudy, Dark, obscure Ayre, cold and hurtfull, thick, black and cadense Clouds: but of this more particularly in a Treatise by it self.
He delighteth in the East quarter of Heaven, and causeth Eastern Winds, at the time of gathering any Planet belonging to him, the Ancients did observe to turn their faces towards the East in his hour, and he, if possible, in an Angle, either in the Ascendant, or tenth, or eleventh house, the Moon applying by a Trine or Sextile to him.
His Orbe is nine degrees before and after; that is,his influence begins to work, when either he applies, or any Planet applies to him, and is within nine degrees of his aspect, and from that aspect.
In Generation he ruleth the first and eighth moneth after Conception.
The greatest yeers he signifies – 465.
His greater – 57.
His mean yeers – 43 and a half.
His least – 30.
The meaning whereof is this; Admit we frame a new building, erect a Town or City, or Family, or principality is begun when Saturn is essentially and accidentally strong, the Astrologer may probably conjecture the Family, Principality, &c. may continue 465 yeers in honour &c. without any semible alteration: Again, if in ones Nativity Saturn is wel dignified, is Lord of the Geniture, &c. then according to nature he may live 57 yeers; if he be meanly d istinguished, then the Native but 43; if he be Lord of the Nativity, and yet weak, the child may live 30 yeers, hardly any more; for nature of Saturn is cold and dry, and those qualities are destructive to man, &c.
As to Age, he relates to decreped old men; Fathers, Grandfathers, the like in Plants, Trees, and all living Creatures.
Late Authours say he ruleth over Bavaria, Saxony, Stiria, Romandisle, Ravenna, Constantia, Ingoldstad.
Its Cassiel, alias Captiel.
His friends are Jupiter, Sun and Mercury, his enemies Mars and Venus. We call Saturday his day, for then he begins to rule at Sun rise, and ruleth the first hour and eighth of that day.
Of the Planet Jupiter, and his Signification.
Jupiter is placed next to Saturn (amongst the Ancients) you shal sometimes finde him called Zeus, or Phaeton: He is the greatest in appearance to our eyes of all the Planets (the Sun, Moon and Venus excepted;)
In his Colour he is bright, dleer, and of an Azure colour. In his Motion he exceeds Saturn, finishing his course through the twelve Signes in twelve yeers: his middle motion is 4 min. 59 seconds: his Diurnal motion is 8,10,12 or 14 mm. hardly any more.
His greatest North Latitude is —- 1 38
His greatest South Latitude is —- 1 40
He hath two of the twelve Signe of the Zodiack for his houses, viz. Sagittarius his Day-house, and Pisces his Night-house. He receives Detriment in Gemini and Virgo. He is Exalted in Cancer, hath his Fall in Capricorn.
He ruleth the Fiery Triplicity by night, viz. Taurus, Leo, Sagattarius. He hath also these degrees allotted for his Tearmes, viz.
In Aries, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
In Taurus, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.
In Gemini, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
In Cancer, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
In Leo, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
In Virgo, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
In Libra, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
In Scorpio, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
In Sagittarius, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
In Capricorn, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
In Aquarius, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
In Pisces, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
He hath assigned him for his Face or Decanate,
Of Gemini, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Of Leo, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
Of Libra, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
Of Capricorn, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Of Pisces, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
He is Retrograde about 120 dayes, is five days in his first station before retrogradation, and four dayes stationary before Direction.
He is a Diurnall, Masculine Planet, Temperately Hot and Moyst, Aiery, Sanguine, the greater Fortune, author of Temperance, Modesty, Sobriety, Justice.
Then is he Magnanimous, Faithfull, Bashfull, Aspiring in an honourable way at high matters, in all his actions a Lover of fair Dealing, desiring to benefit all men, doing Glorious things, Honourable and Religious, of sweet and affable Conversation, wonderfully indulgent to his Wife and Children, reverencing Aged men, a great Reliever of the Poor, full of Charity and Godlinesse, Liberal, hating all Sordid actions, Just, Wife, Prudent, Thankfull, Vertuous: so that when you find Jupiter the significator of any man in a Question, or Lord of his Ascendant in a Nativity, and well dignified, you may judge him qualified as abovesaid.
When Jupiter is unfortunate, then he wastes his Patrimony, suffers every one to cozen him, is Hypocritically Religious, Tenacious, and stiffe in maintaining false Tenents in Religion; he is Ignorant, Carelesse, nothing Delightfull in the love of his Friends; of a grosse, dull Capacity, Schismaticall, abating himself in all Companies, crooching and stooping where no necessity is.
He signifies an upright, straight and tall Stature; brown, ruddy and lovely Complexion; of an ovall or long Visage, and it full and fleshy; high Forehead; large gray Eyes; his Hair soft, and a kind of aburn brown; much Beard; a large, deep Belly: Strong proportioned Thighs and Legs; his feet long, being the most indecent parts of his whole Body; in his Speech he is Sober, and of grave Discourse.
The skin more deer, his complexion Honey—colour, or betwixt a white and red, sanguine, ruddy Colour; great Eyes, the body more fleshy, usually some Mole or Scarre in the right Foot.
A pure and lovely Complexion, the Stature more short, the Hair a light Brown, or neer a dark Flaxen; smooth, bald about the Temple or Forehead.
He signifies Judges, Senators, Councellours, Ecclesiasticall men, Bishops, Priests, Ministers, Cardinals, Chancellours, Doctors of the Civill Law, young Schollers and Students in an University or College, Lawyers. Clothiers, Wollen—Drapers.
Plurisies, all Infirmities in the Liver, left Eare, Apoplexies, Inflamation of the Lungs, Palpitations and Trembling of the Heart, Cramps, pain in the Back—bone, all Diseases lying in the Vaines or Ribs, and proceeding from corruption of Blood, Squinzies, Windinesse, all Putrification in the Blood, or Feavers proceeding from too great abundance thereof.
He governeth the Sweet or well sented Odours; or that Odour which in smell is no way extream or offensive.
Sea-green or Blew, Purple, Ash-colour, a mixt Yellow and Green.
Cloves and Clove-sugar, Mace, Nutmeg, Gilly-flower, the Straw-bury, the herb Balsam, Bettony, Centory, Flax, Ars-smart, Fumitory, Lung-wort, Pimpernel, Walwort, Orangy or Wild Margorane, Rubbarb, Self—heale, Borage, Buglosse, Wheat, Willow—hearb, Thorough—Leafe, Violets, Laskwort, Liverwort, Bazil, Pomergranets, Pyony, Liquorish, Mynt, Mastix, the dazy, Feversend, Saffron.
Cherry-tree, Birch-tree, Mulberry-tree, Corall-tree, the Oae, Barburies, Olive, Gooseburies, Almond-tree, the Ivy, Manna, Mace, the Vine, the Fig-tree, the Ash, the Pear-tree, the Hazel, the Beech—tree, the Pyne, Raysons.
The Sheep, the Heart or Stag, the Doe, the Oxe, Elephant, Dragon, Tyger, Unicorne, those Beasts which are Mild and Gentle, and yet of great benefit to Mankind, are appropriate to him.
The Stork, the Snipe, the Lark, the Eagle, the Stock-dove, the Partridge, Bees, Pheasant, Peacock, the Hen.
The Dolphin, the Whale, Serpent, Sheath—fish or River Whale.
He delighteth in or neer Alters of Churches, in publick Conventions, Synods, Convocations, in Places neat, sweet, in Wardrobes, Courts of Justice, Oratorie.
Tyn. Amethist, the Saphire, the Smarage or Emrald, Hyacinth, Topaz, Chrystal, Bezoar, Marble, and that which in 4England5 we call Free—stone.
He usually produceth serentiy, pleasant and healthful North Winds, and by his gentle Beams all ayes the ill weather of any former Malignant Planets.
He governeth the North Wind, that part which tendeth to the East.
His Radiation or Orbe, is nine degrees before and after any of his aspect.
He governeth the second and tenth moneth; his proper seat in man is the Liver; and in the Elements he ruleth the Ayre.
His greatest yeers are 428. his greater 79. his mean 45. least 12.
Men of middle age, or of a full Judgment and Discretion.
He governeth the second Climate.
Babylon, Persia, Hungaria, Spain, Cullen. [NUMBER.] The number of three is attributed to him.
Thursday, and rules the first hour after Sun rise, and the eighth; the length of the Planetary hour you must know by the rising of the Sun, and a Table hereafter following.
All Planets except Mars are friends to Jupiter. In gathering any Hearb appropraited to Jupiter, see that he be very powerfull either in Essential or Accidental Dignities, and the Moon in some manner in good aspect with him, and if possible, let her be in some of his Dignities, &c.
Of the Planet MARS, and his significations
MARS doth in order succeed Jupiter, whom the Ancients sometimes called Mayors, Aris, Pyrois, Gradivus; he is lesse in body then Jupiter or Venus, and appeareth to our sight of a shining, fiery, sparkling colour, he finisheth his course in the Zodiack in one yeer 321 dayes, or thereabouts; his greatest latitude North is 4, 31 min. his South is 6 degr. and 47.
His mean motion is 31 min. 27 seconds. His diurnall motion is sometimes 32. 34. 36. 38. 40. 44. min. a day, seldom more.
He hath Aries for his Day—house, and Scorpio for his Night-house; he is exalted in 28 degr. of Capricorn, and is depressed in 28 Cancer, he receiveth detriment in Libra and Taurus; he is retrograde 80 dayes; stationary before direction two dayes; after, but one day.
He governeth wholly the Watry Triplicity, viz. Canser, Scorpio, Pisces. In the whole twelve Signs, Ptolomy assigneth him these degrees for Terms, viz.
In ARIES, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.
In TAURUS, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In GEMINI, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In CANCER, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In LEO, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In VIRGO, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In LIBRA, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In SCORPIO, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In SAGITTARIUS, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In CAPRICORN, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
In AQUAIRUS, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In PISCES, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.
He hath allotted him for his Face these degrees.
In ARIES, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In GEMINI, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In LEO, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In SCORPIO, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In CAPRICORN, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In PISCES, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
He is Masculine, Nocturnall Planet, in nature hot and dry, cholerick and fiery, the lesser Infortune, author of Quarrels, Strifes, Contentions.
In feats of Warre and Courage invincible, scourning any should exceed him, subject to no Reason, Bold, Confident, Immoveable, Contentious, challenging all Honour to thenselves, Valiant, lovers of Warre and things pertaining thereunto, hazarding himself to all Perils, willingly will obey no body; nor submit to any, a large reporter of his own Acts, one that fights all things in comparison of Victory, and yet of prudent behaviour in his own affaires.
Then he is Pratler without modesty or honesty, a lover of Slaughter and Quarrels, Murder, Theevery, a promoter of Sedition, Frayes and Commotions; and Highway-Theef, as wavering as the Wind, a Traytor, of turbulent Spirit, Perjurer, Obscene, Rash, Inhumane, neither fearing God or caring for man, Unthankful, Trecherous, Oppressors, Ravenous, Cheater, Furious, Violent.
Generally Martialuts have this forme; they are but middle Stature, their Bodies strong, and their Bones big, rather leane then fat; their Complexion of a brown, ruddy colour, or flaxen, and many times crisping or curling, sharp hazle Eyes, and they piercing, a bold confident countence, and the man active and fearlesse.
When Mars is Orientall, he signifies Valiant men, some white mixed with the rednesse, a decent talnesse of Body, hairy of his Body.
Very ruddy Complexion’d, but mean in Stature, little Head, a smooth Body, and not hairy; yellow Hair, stiffe, the natural humours generally more dry.
Ruling by Tyranny and Opression, or Tyrants, Usurpers, new Conquerours.
Generals of Armies, Colonels, Captaines, or any Souldiers having command in Armies, all manner of Souldiers, Physitians, Apothecaries, Chirurgions, Alchimists, Gunners, Butchers, Marshals, Sergeants, Bailiffs, Hang-men, Theeves, Smiths, Bakers, Armourers, Watch-makers, Botchers, Tailors, Cutlers of Swords and Knives, Barbers, Dyers, Cooks, Carpenters, Gamesters, Bear-wards, Tanners, Carriers.
The Gall, the left Eare, tertian Feavers, pestilent burning Feavers, Megrams in the Head, Carbunckles, the Plague and all Plague—sores, Burnings, Ring—wormes, Blisters Phrensies, mad sudden distempers in the Head, Yellow—jaundies, Bloody—flux, Fistulaes, all Wounds and Diseases in mens Genitories, the Stone both in the Reins and Bladder, Scars or smal Pocks in the Face, all hurts by Iron, the Shingles, and such other Diseases as arise by abundance of too much Choller, Anger or Passion.
He delighteth in Red colour, or yellow, fiery and shinning like Saffron; and in those Savours which are bitter, sharp and burn the Tongue; of Humours, Choller.
The Hearbs which we attribute to Mars are such as come near to a rednesse, whose leaves are pointed and sharp, whose taste is costick and burning, love to grow on dry places, are corosive and penetrating the Flesh and Bones with a most subtil heat: They are as followeth. The Nettle, all manner of Thistles, Rest-harrow or Cammock, Devils—milk or Petty spurge, the white and red Brambles, the white called vulgarly by the Hearbalists Ramme, Lingwort, Onion, Scommony, Garlick, Mustard-seed, Pepper, Ginger, Leeks, Ditander, Hore—hound, Hemlock, red Sanders, Tamarindes, all Hearbs attracting or drawing choller by Sympathy, Raddish, Castoreum, Arsolarr, Assarum, Carduus, Benedictus, Cantharides.
All Trees which are prickly, as the Thorn, Chestnut.
Panther, Tyger, Mastiffe, Vulture, Fox; of living creatures, those that are Warlike, Ravenous and Bold, the Castor, Horse, Mule, Ostrich, the Goat, the Wolf, the Leopard, the wild Asse, the Gnats, Flyes, Lapwing, Cockarrice, the Griffon, Bear.
The Pike, the Shark. the Barbel, the Fork-fish, all stinking Worms, Scorpions.
The Hawke, the Vultur, the Kite or Glead, (all ravenous Fowle) the Raven, Cormorant, the Owle, (some say the Eagle) the Crow, the Pye.
Smiths, Shops, Furnaces, Slaughter—houses, places where Bricks or Charcoales are burned, or have been burnes, Chimneys, Forges.
Iron, Antimony, Arsenick, Brimston, Ocre.
Adamant, Loadstone, Blood—stone, Jasper, the many coloured Amatheist, the Touch-stone, red Lead or Vermilion.
He stirreth up the Western Winds.
His Orbe is onely seven degrees before and after any of his aspects.
In man he governeth the flourishing time of Youth, and from 41 to 56; his greatest yeers are 264, greater 66, mean 40, lesse 15.
Saromatia, Lumbardy, Batavia, Ferraria, Gothland, and the third Climate.
He governeth Tuesday, and therein the first hour and eighth from Sun rise, and in Conception the third moneth.
His friends are onely Venus; Enemies all the other Planets.
Of the SUN, his generall and particular significations.
The Sun is placed in the middle of all Planets, and is called amongst the Ancients, both Poets and Historians, Sol, Titan, Ilioa, Phebus, Apollo, Pean, Osyris, Diespiter: It’s needlesse to mention his Colour, being so continuallly visible to all mortal men: He passeth through all the twelve Signs of the Zodiack in one yeer, or 365 dayes and certain hours:
His mean motion is 59 min 8 seconds, yet his diurnal motion is sometimes 57m 16 seconds, sometimes more, never exceeding 61 minutes and six seconds. He always moves in the Ecliptick, and is ever voyd of latitude, so that it is very improper in any Astrologian to speak of the Sun his latitude.
He hath onely the Sign of Leo for his House, and Aquarius for his Detriment. He is Exalted in the 19 degree of Aries, and receives his Fal in 19 Libra.
The Sun governeth the fiery Triplicity, viz. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius by day.
He hath no degrees of the twelve Signes admitted him for his Terms, though some affirm, if he be in the six Northern Signs, viz. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, he shal be said to be in his Terms, but because there is no reason for it, I leave it as Idle.
In the twelve Signs he hath these degrees for his Decanate or Faces.
In ARIES, the 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In GEMINI, the 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In VIRGO, the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In SCORPIO, the 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In CAPRICORN, the 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
The Sun is alwayes direct, and never can be said to be Retrograde, it’s true, he moveth more slowly at one time then another.
He is naturally Hot, Dry, but more temperate then Mars; is a Masculine, Diurnall Planet, Equivalent, if well dignified to a Fortune.
Very faithfull, keeping their promises with all puncutuality, a kind of itching desire to Rule and Sway where he comes: Prudent, and of incomparable Judgment; of great Majesty and Statelinesse, Industrious to acquire Honour and a large Patrimony, yet as willingly departing therewith again; the Solar man usually speaks deliberately, but not many words, and those with great confidence and command of his own affection; full of Thought, Secret, Trusty, pseaks deliberately, and nothwithstanding his great Heart, yet is he Affable, Tractable, and very humane to all people, one loving Sumptuousnesse and Magnificence, and whatever is honourable; no sordid thoughts can enter his heart, &c.
Then the Solar man is Arrogant and Proud, disdaining all men, cracking of his Pedegree, he is Pur-blind in Sight and Judgment, restlesse, troublesome, domineerning; a meer vapour, expensive, foolish, endued with no gravity in words, or sobernesse in Actions, a Spend—thrift, wasting his Patrimony, and hanging after an other mens charity, yet thinks all men are bound to him, because a Gentleman born.
Usually the Sun presents a man of a good, large and strong Corporature, a yellow, saffron Complexion, a round, large Forehead: goggleEyes or large, sharp and piercing; a Body strong and well composed, not so beautifull as lovely, full of health, their hair yellowish, and thereofre quickly bald, much Hair on their Beard, and usually an high ruddy Complexion, and their bodies fleshy, in conditions they are very bountifull honest, sincere, wel-minded, of great and large Heart, High-minded, of healthfull Constitution, very humane; yet sufficiently Spirited, not Loquacious.
In the Sun, we can onely say he is Orientall in the Figure, or in the Orientall quarter of the Figure, or Occidentiall, &c. all other Planets are either Orientall, when they rule, appear before him in the morning.
Occidentall, when they are seen above the Earth after he is set.
He signifieth Kings, Princes, Emperours, &c. Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, Barons, Lieutenants, Deputy-Lieutenants of Countries, Magistrates, Gentlemen in generall, Courtiers, desirers of Honour and Preferment, Justices of Peace, Majors, High-Sheriffs, High-Constables, great Huntsmen, Lieutenants, Deputy-Lieutenants, Stewards of Noble-mens houses, the principall Magistrate of any City, Town, Castle or Country-Villiage, yea, though a petty Constable, where no better, or greater Officer is; Goldsmiths, Brasiers, Pewterers, Coppersmiths, Minters of Money.
Pimples in the Face, Palpitation or Trembling, or any Diseases of the Brain or Heart, Timpanies Infirmities of the Eyes, Cramps, sudden swoonings, Diseases of the Mouth, and sunking Breaths, Catars, rotten Feavers; principally in man he governeth the Heart, the Brain and right Eye, and vitall Spirit, in Women the left Eye.
Of Colours he ruleth the Yellow, the colour of Gold, the Scarlet or the deer Red, some say Purple: In Savours, he liketh wel a mixture of Sower and Sweet together, or Aromatical flavour, being a little Bitter and Stiptical, but withal Confortative and a little sharp.
Those Plants which are subject to the Sun doe smell pleasantly, are of good flavour, their Flowers are yellow or reddish, are in growth of Majestical form, they love open and Sunshine places, their principal Vertue is to strengthen the Heart, and comfort the Vitals, to deer the Eye-sight, resist Poyson, or to dissolve any Witchery, or Malignant Planetary Influences; and they are Saffron, the Lawrel, the Pomecitron, the Vine, Enula Campana, Saint johns—wort, Ambre, Musk, Ginger, Hearb grace, Balm, Marigold, Rosemary, Rosafolis, Cinamon, Celendine, Eye—bright, Pyony, Barley, Cinquefoile, Spikenard, Lignum Aloes, Arsnick.
Ash—tree, Palm, Lawrel-tree, the Myrrhe-tree, Frankinsence, the Cane-tree or Planet, the Cedar, Heletrepion, the Orange and Lemmon-tree.
The Lyon, the Horse, the Ram, the Crocodile, the Bul, Goat, Night-wormes or Glow-wormes.
The Sea—Calf or Sea-Fox, the Crabfish, the Starfish.
The Eagle, the Cock, the Phoenix, Nightingale, Peacock, the Swan, the Buzzard, the Slye Cantharis, the Goshawke.
Houses, Courts of Princes, Pallaces, Theators, all magnificent Structures being clear and decent, Hals, DiningRooms.
Amongst the Elements Sun Hath domination of fire and deer shining flames, over mettals, he ruleth Gold. [STONES.) The Hyacinth, Chrisolite, Adamant, Carbuncle, the Etites stone found in Eagles nests, the Pantaure, if such a stone be the Ruby.
He produceth wheather according to the season; in the spring gentle moysting Showers; in the Summer heat in extremity if with Mars; in Autumn mists; in Winter small Rain.
He loves the East part of the World; and that winde which proceeds from that quarter.
Is 15. degrees before any aspect; and so many after seperation.
In age he ruleth youth, or when one is at the strongest; his greatest yeers are 1460, greater 120, mean 69, least 19.
Italy, Sicilia, Bohemia; and the fourth Climate, Phenicia, Chaldea.
He ruleth Sunday the first hour thereof, and the eight; and in numbers the first and fourth; and in conceptions the fourth moneth. His friends are all the Planets except Saturn, who is his Enemy.
Of the Planet VENUS and her severall significations and nature.
After the Sun succeedeth Venus; who is sometimes called Cytherea, Aphrodite, Phosphoros, Vesperugo, Ericina.
She is a bright shining colour, and is well known amongst the vulgar by the name of the evening Starre or Hesperus; and that is when she appeares after the Sun is set: common people call he the morning Starre, and the learned Lucifer, when she is seen long before the rising of the Sun.
Her mean motion is 59 min. and 8 seconds: her diurnall motion is sometimes 62 min. a day 64.65.66.or 70.74.76. minutes; but 82 min. she never exceedeth.
Her greatest North or South latitude is 9 degr. and two mm. In February 1843. she had eight degr. and 36 min. for her North latitude.
She hath Taurus and Libra for her houses, she is exalted in 27 Pisces, she receiveth detriment In Aries and Scorpio, and hath her fal In 27 Virgo.
She governeth the Earthly Triplicity by day viz. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn; she is two dayes stationary before retrogradatlon, and so many before direction, and doth usually continue retrograde 42 dayes.
She hath these degrees in every Sign for her Terms.
In ARIES, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
In TAURUS, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
In GEMINI, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In CANCER, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.
In LEO, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
In VIRGO, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
In LIBRA, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
In SCORPIO, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.
In SAGITTARIUS, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
In CAPRICORN, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In AQUARIUS, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In PISCES, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
These degrees are allowed for her Face.
In ARIES, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In CANCER, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In VIRGO, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, .18, 19, 20.
In SCORPIO, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In PISCES, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
She Is a Feminine Planet, temperately Cold and Moyst, Nocturnal, the lesser Fortune, author of Mirth and Jolity; the elements, the Ayre and Water are Venerial; In the Humours, Flegme with Blood, with Spirit, and Genital seed.
She signifies a quiet man, not given to Law, Quarrel or Wrangling, not Vitlous, Pleasant, Neat and Spruce, Loving Mirth in his words and actions, cleanly in Apparel, rather Drinking much then Gluttonous, prone to Venery, oft entangles in Love-matters, Zealous in their affections, Musical, delighting in Baths, and all honest merry Meetings, or Maskes and Stage-playes, easie of Belief, and not given to Labour, or take any Pains, a Company-keeper, Cheerful, nothing Mistrustful, a right vertuous Man or Woman, oft had in some Jealousie, yet no cause for it.
Then he is Riotous, Expensive, wholly given to Loosenesse and Lewd companies of Women, nothing regarding his Reputation, coveting unlawful Beds, Incestuous, an Adulterer; Fennatical, a meer Skip-jack, of no Faith, no Repute, no Credit; spending his Means in Ale-houses, Taverns, and amongst Scandalous, Loose people; a meen Lazy companion, nothing careful of the the things of this Life, or any thing Religious; a meer Atheist and natural man.
A man of fair, but not tall Stature, his Complexion, being white, tending to a little darknesse, which makes him more Lovely; very fair Lovely Eyes, and a little black; a round Face, and not large, fair Hair, smooth, and plenty of it, and it usually of a light brown colour, a lovely Mouth and cherry Lips, the Face pretty fleshy, a rolling wandering Eye, a Body very delightful, Lovely and exceeding wel shaped, one desirous of Trimming and making himself neat and compleat both in Cloaths and Body, a love dimple in his Cheeks, a stedfast Eye, and ful amarous enticements.
When Orientall the Body inclines to talnesse; or a kind of upright straightnesse in Person, not corpulent or very tal, but neatly composed. A right Venerian person, is such as we say, is a pretty, compleat, handsome Man or Woman.
When she is Occidental, the Man is of more short stature, yet very decent and comely in Shape and Form, wel liked of all.
Musitions, Gamesters, Silk—men, Mercers, Linnen—Drapers, Painters, Jewellers, Players, Lapidaries, Embroiderers, Women-tailors, Wives, Mothers, Virgins, Choristers, Fidlers, Pipers, when joyned with Moon, Singers, Perfumers, Semi lers, Picture—drawers, Gravers, Upholdsters, Limners, Glovers, all such as fell those Commodities which adorn Women either, in Body (as Cloaths) or in Face, (as Complexion-waters.)
Diseases by her signified, are principally in the Matrix and members of Generation; in the reines, belly, back, navil and those parts; the Genorrex or running of the Reines, French or Spanish Pox; any disease arising by inordinate lust. Priapisme, impotency in generation, Hernias & the Diabetes or pissing disease.
In colours she signifieth White, or milky Skie—colour mixed with brown, or a little Green. In Savours she delightes in that which is pleasant and toothsome; usually in moyst and sweet, or what is very delectable; in smels what is unctious and Aromatical, and incites to wantonnesse.
Myrtle always green; all hearbs which she governeth have a sweet flavour, a pleasant smel; a white flower; of a gentle humour, whose leaves are smooth and not jagged. She governeth the Lilly white and yellow, and the Lilly of the Valley, and of the Water. The Satyrion or Cuckoe-pintle, Maidenhair, Violet; the white and yellow Daffadil. Sweet Oranges, Mugwort, Ladies-mantle, Sanicle-Baim, Veryin, Walnuts, Almonds, Millet, Valerian, Thyme, Ambre, Ladanum, Civet or Musk, Corriander, French Wheat, Peaches, Apricocks, Plums, Raisons.
Sweet Apples, the white Rose, the Fig, the white Sycamore; wilde Ash, Turpentine—tree, Olive
The Hart, the Panther, smal cattle, Coney, the Calf, the Goat
Stockdove, Wagtayle, the Sparrow, Hen, the Nightingale, the Thrush, Pellican, Partridge, Ficedula, a little Bird Feeding on Grapes; the Wren, Eagles, the Swan, the Swallow, the Owse or Black Bird, the Pye.
The Dolphin.
Gardens, Fountains, Bride—chambers, fair lodgings, Beds, Hangings, Dancing-Schooles, Wardrobes.
Copper, especially the Corinthian and White; Brasse, all Lattenware. Cornelian, the sky—coloured Saphyre, white and red Coral, Margalite, Alabaster, Lapis Luzuli because it expels Melancholy, the Beril, Chrisolite.
She governeth the South—winde being hot and moyst; in the temperament of the Ayre, she ruleth the Etesia; she foretelleth in Summer, Serenity or cleer weather; in Winter, rain or snow.
Her Orbe is 7. before and after any aspect of hers.
Her greatest yeers are 151. her greater 82. her mean 45. her least 8. In man she governeth Youth from 14 to 28.
Arabia, Austria, Campania, Vienna, Polonia the greater, Turing, Parthia, Media, Cypress, and the six climate.
Her Angel is Anael.
Her day of the week Friday, of which she rules the first and eigth houre; and in conception the first Month. Her Friends are all the Planets except Saturn.
Of MERCURY, and his signification, nature and property
He is called Hermes, Stilbon, Cyllenius, Archas. Mercury is the least of all the Planets, never distant from the Sun above 27.degrees; by which reason he is seldom visible to our sight:
He is of a dusky silver colour; his mean motion is 59 min. and 8 seconds; but he is sometimes so swift that he moveth one degree and 40.min. in a day, never more; so that you are not to marvaile if you finde him sometimes goe 66. 68. 70. 80. 86. or 100. in a day: he is Stationary one day, and retrograde 24.dayes.
His greatest South Latitude is 3. degr. 35.min. His greatest North Latit. is 3.deg. 33.min.
He hath Gemini and Virgo for his Houses, and is exalted in the 15. of Virgo: he receives detriment in Sagittarius and Pisces, his fal is in Pisces.
He ruleth the aery triplicity by night, viz. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
He hath these degrees in every Sign for his Terms.
In ARIES, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.
In TAURUS, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
InGEMINI, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
In CANCER, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In LEO, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
In VIRGO, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
In LIBRA, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.
In SCORPIO, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.
In SAGITTARIUS, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In CAPRICORN, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
In AQUARIUS, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
In PISCES, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
These subsequent degrees are his Faces or Decanate:
In TAURUS, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In CANCER, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In VIRGO, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In SAGITTARIUS, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In AQUARIUS, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
We may not call him either Masculine or Feminine, for he is either the one or other as joyned to any Planet; for if in Conjunction with a Masculine Planet, he becomes Masculine; if with a Feminine, then Feminine, but of his own nature he is cold and dry, and therefore Melancholly; with the good he is good, with the evil Planets ill:
In the Elements the Water; amongst the humours, the mixt, he rules the animal spirit: he is author of subtilty, tricks, devices, perjury, &c.
Being wel dignified, he represents a man of a subtil and politick brain, intellect, and cogitation; an excellent disputant or Logician, arguing with learning and discretion, and using much eloquence in his speech, a searcher into all kinds of Mysteries and Learning, sharp and witty, learning almost any thing without a Teacher; ambitious of being exquisite in every Science, desirious naturally of travel and seeing foraign parts: a man of an unwearied fancy, curious in the search of any occult knowledge; able by his own Genius to produce wonders; given to Divination and the more secret knowledge; if he turn Merchant, no man exceeds him in a way of Trade or invention of new wayes whereby to obtain wealth.
A troublesome wit, a kinde of Phrenetick man, his tongue and Pen against every man, wholly bent to spoil his estate and time in prating and trying nice conclusions to no purpose; a great lyar, boaster, pratler, busibody, false, a tale—carrier, given to wicked ARTS, as Necromancy, and such like ungodly knowledges; easie of beleef, an asse or very ideot, constant in no place or opinion, cheating and theeving every where; a news—monger, pretending all manner of knowledge, but guilty of no true or solid learning; a trifler; a meer frantick fellow; if he prove a Divine, then a meer verball fellow, frothy of no judgment, easily perverted, constant in nothing but idle words and bragging.
Vulgarly he denotes one of an high stature and straight thin spare body, an high forehead and somewhat narrow long face, long nose; fair eyes, neither perfectly black or gray, thin lips and nose, little hair on the chin, but much on his head, and it a sad brown inclining to blacknesse; long arms, fingers and hands; his complexion like an Olive or Chestnut colour. You must more observe Mercury then all the Planets; for having any aspect to a Planet, he doth more usually partake of the influence of that Planet then nay other doth: if with Saturn then heavy, with Jupiter more temperate, with Mars more rash, with Sun more genteele, with Venus more jesting, with Moon more shifter.
When he is Oriental, his complexion is honey colour, or like one wel Sun-burnt; in the stature of his body not very high, but wel joynted, smal eyes, not much hair; in very truth, according to the the height of body, very wel composed, but stil a defect in the complexion, viz. swarty brown, and in the tongue, viz, all for his own ends.
When Occidental, a tawny visage, lank body, small slender limbs, hollow eyes, and sparkling and red or fiery; the whole frame of body inclining to drinesse.
He generally signifies all literated men, Philosophers, Mathematicians, Astrologians, Merchants, Secretaries, Scriveners, Diviners, Sculptors, Poets, Orators, Advocates, School-masters, Stationers, Printers, Exchangers of Money, Atturneys, Emperours, Embassadours, Commissioners, Clerks, Artificers, generally Accomptants, Solicitors, sometimes Theeves, pratling muddy Ministers, busie Sectaries, and they unlearned; Gramarians, Taylors, Carriers, Messengers, Foot-men, Userers.
All Vertigo’s, Lethargies or giddinesse in the Head, Madnesse, either Lightnesse, or any Disease of the Brain; Ptisick, all stammering and imperfection in the Tongue, vein and fond Imaginations, all defects in the Memory, Hoarcenesse, dry Coughs, too much abundance of Spettle, all snaffling and snuffling in the Head or Nose; the Hand and Feet Gout, Dumnesse, Toungue—evil, all evils in the Fancy and intellectual parts.
Mixed and new colours, the Gray mixed with Sky—colour, such as is on the Neck of the Stock-dove, Linsie—woolsie colours, or consisting of many colours mixed in one. Of Saviours an hodge—podge of all things together, so that no one can give it any true name; yet usually such as doe quicken the Spirits, are subtil and penetrate, and in a manner insensible.
Herbs attributed to Mercury, are known by the various colour of the flower, and love sandy barren places, they bear their seed in husks or cobs, they smel rarely or subtilly, and have pricnipal relation to the tongue, brain, lungs or memory; they dispel winde, and comfort the Annimal spirits, and open obstructions. Beanes, three leaved—grasse, the Walnut and Walnut—tree; the Filbert—tree and Nut; the Elder-tree, Adders—tongue, Dragon—wort, Twopenny-grasse, Lungwort, Anniseeds, Cubebs, Marjoran. What hearbs are used for the Muses and Divination, as Vervine, the Reed; of Drugs, Treacle, Hiera, Diambra.
The Hyaena, ~Ape, Fox, Squirrel, Weasel, the Spider, the Grayhound, the Hermophradite, being partaker of both sexes; all cunning creatures.
The Lynnet, the Parrot, the Popinian, the Swallow, the Pye, the Beetle, Pifinires, Locusts, Bees, Serpent, the Crane.
The Forke—fish, Mullet.
Tradesmens—shops, Markets, Fayres, Schooles, CommonHals, Bowling—Allyes, Ordinaries, Tennis—Courts:
The Milestone, Marchasite or fire-stone, the Achates, Topaz, Vitro-il, all stones of divers colours.
He delights in Windy, Stormy and Violent, Boistrous Weather, and stirs up that Wind which the Planet signifies to which he applyes; sometimes Rain, at other times Haile, Lightning, Thunder and Tempests— in hot Countries Earthquakes, but this must be observed really from the Sign and Season of the year
His Orbe is seven degrees before and after any aspect.
His greatest yeers are 450; his greatest 76; his mean 48; his little or least 20: in Conceptions he governeth the sixth moneth.
He hath Grecia, Flanders, Egypt, Paris.
His Angel is named Raphael.
He governeth Wednesday, the first hour thereof, and the eight. His Friends are Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and his Enemies all the other Planets.
Of the MOON her properties and significations
The Moon we find called by the Ancients, Lucina, Cynthia, Diana, Phoebe, Latona, Noctiluca, Prosperpina; she is neerest to the Earth of all the Planets; her colour in the Element is vulgarly known:
she finisheth her courte through the whole twelve Signs in 27 days, 7 hours and 43 min. or thereabouts: her mean motion is 13 degr. 10 min. and 36 seconds, but she moveth sometimes lesse and sometimes more, never exceeding 15 degr. and two min. in 24 hours space.
Her greatest North Latitude is 5 degr. and 17 min.(or thereabouts) Her greatest South Latitude is 5 degr. and 12 rn-in. (or thereabouts) She is never Retrograde, but always direct; when she is slow in motion, and goeth lesse in 24 hours then 13 degr. and 10 min. she is then equivalent to a Retrograde Planet.
She hath the Sign Cancer for her house, and Capricorn for her detriment; she is exalted in 3. Taurus, and hath her fal in 3 grad. Scorpio; she governeth the Earthly Triplicity by night, viz. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
The Sun and she have no Terms assigned them.
In the twelve Signs she hath these degrees for her Decanate or Face.
In TAURUS, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In CANCER, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In LIBRA, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In SAGITTARIUS, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In AQUARIUS, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
She is Feminine, Nocturnal Planet, Cold, Moyst and Flegmatique.
She sign-if leth one of composed Manners, a soft, tender creature, a Lover of all honest and ingenuous Sciences, a Searcher of, and Delighter in Novelties, naturally propense to frit and shift his Habitation, unstedfast, wholly caring for the present Times, Timorous, Prodigal, and easily Frighted, however loving Peace, and to live free from the cares of this Life, if a Mechannick, the man learnes many Occupations, and frequently wil be tampering with many wayes to trade in.
A meer Vagabond, idle Person, hating Labour, a Drunkard, a Sot, one of no Spirit or Forecast, delighting to live beggarly and carefly, one content in no condition of Life, either good or ii.
She generally presenteth a man of fair stature, whitely coloured, the Face round, gray Eyes, and a little louring; much Hair both on the Head, Face, and other parts; usually one Eye a little larger then the other; short Hands and fleshy, the whole Body inclining to be fleshy, plump, corpulent and flegmatique: if she be impedited of the Sun in a Nativity or Question, she usually signifies some blemish in, or neer the Eye: a blemish neer the Eye, if she be impedited in Succedant Houses; in the Sight, if she be unfortunate in Angles and with fixed Starres, called Nebulose.
She signifieth Queens, Countesses, Ladies, all manner of Women; as also the common People, Travellers, Pilgrims, Sailors, Fishermen, Fish-mongers, Brewers, Tapsters, Vintners, Letter-carriers, Coach-men, Hunts-men, Messengers, (some say the Popes Leg ts) Marriners, Millers, Ale—wives, Maistors, Drunkards, Oister—wives, Fisher-women, Chare-women, Tripe-women, and generally such Women as carry Commodities in the Streets; as also, Midwives, Nurses, &c, Hackney-men, Water-men, Water-bearers.
Apoplexies, Palsie, the Chollick, the Belly—ache, Disease in the Left Side, Stones, the Bladder and members of Generation, the Men-stries and Liver: in Women Dropsies, Fluxes of Belly, all cold Rheumatick Diseases, cold Stomack, the Gout in the Rists and Feet, Sciatica, Chollick, Worms in Children and men, Rheumes or Hutts in the Eyes, viz, in the Left of Men, and Right of Women: Sursets, rotten Coughs, Convultion fits, the Falling sicknesse, Kings—evil, Apostems, smal Pox and Measels
Of Colours the White, or pale Yellowish White, pale Green, or a little of the Silver—colour. Of Saviours, the Fresh, or without any flavour, such as is in Hearbs before they be ripe, or such as doe moysten the Brain, &c.
Those Hearbs which are subject to the Moon have soft and thick juicy leaves, of a waterish or a little sweetish taste, they love to grow in watry places, and grow quickly into a juicy magnitude; and are. The Colwort, Cabbage, Melon, Gourd, Pompion, Onion, Mandrake, Poppy, Lettice, Rape, the Linden-tree, Mushroomes, Endine, all Trees or Hearbs who have round, shady, great spreading Leaves, and are little Fruitful.
All such Beasts, or the like, as live in the water; as Frogs, the Otter, Snailes, &c. the Weasel, the Cunny, all Sea Fowle, Coockoe, Geese and Duck, the Night-Owle.
The Oyster and Cockle, all She—fish, the Crab and Lobster, Tortoise, Eeles.
Fields, Fountains, Baths, Havens of the Sea, Highwayes and Desertplaces, Port Towns, Rivers, Fish—ponds, standing Pools, Boggy places, Common—shoars, little Brooks, Springs.
The Selenite, all soft Stons, Cristals.
With Saturn cold Ayre; with Jupiter Serene; with Mars Winds red Clouds; with the Sun according to the Season; with Venus and Mercury Showres and Winds.
In Hermetical operation, she delighteth towards the North, and usually when she is the strongest Planet in the Scheam, viz. in any Lunation, she stirs up Wind, according to the nature of the Planet she next applies unto.
Is 12. degrees before and after any Aspect.
Her greatest yeers are 321. greater 108. mean 66, least 25. in conceptions she ruleth the seventh moneth.
Holland, Zealand, Denmarke, Norimberge, Flanders.
Her day is Monday the first hour and the eight, after the rise of the Sun.
The Head of the Dragon is Masculine, of the nature of Jupiter and Venus, and of himself a Fortune; yet the Ancients doe say, that being in Conjunction with the good he is good, and in conjunction with the evil Planets they account him evil.
The Tayle of the Dragon is Feminine by Nature, and clean contrary to the Head; for he is evil when joyned with good Planets, and good when in conjunction with the malignant Planets. This is the constant opinion of all the Ancients, but upon what reason grounded I know not; I ever found the North Node equivalent to either of the Fortunes, and when joyned with the evil Planets to lessen their malevolent signification; when joyned with the good to increase the good promised by them: For the Tayle of the Dragon, I always in my practise found when he was joyned with the evil Planets; their malice or the evil intended thereby was doubled and trebled, or extreamly augmented, &c. and when he chanced to be conjunction with any of the Fortunes who were significators in the question, though the matter by the principal significator was fairely promised, and likely to be perfected in a smal time; yet did there ever fal out many rubs and disturbances, much wrangling and great controversie, that the businesse was many times given over for desperate ere a perfect conclusion could be had; and unlesse the principal significators were Angular and wel fortified with essential dignities, many times unexpectedly the whole matter came to nothing.