“The seventh table is of the Moon, of a square of nine multiplied into it self, having eighty one numbers, in every side and Diameter nine, producing 369. and the sum of all 3321. And there are over it divine names with an Intelligence to what is good, and a spirit to what is bad. And of it are drawn the Characters of the Moon, and of the spirits thereof. This fortunate Moon being engraven on Silver, renders the bearer thereof grateful, amiable, pleasant, cheerfull, honored, removing all malice, and ill will. It causeth security in a journey, increase of riches, and health of body, drives away enemies and other evil things from what place thou pleaseth“
Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy
The Moon is strong in her own sign of Cancer and expresses her nature in its most powerful and unrestrained form here. The Moon is a potent and mysterious planet to petition for fecundity, for safe travels, for psychic and mystical experience. The Moon’s power is magnified by its conjunction with the fixed star Procyon.
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