“Under the constellation of Pleiades, they made the image of a little virgin, or the figure of a lamp; it is reported to increase the light of the eyes, to assemble spirits, to raise winds, to reveal secret and hidden things.” – Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Book II, Chapter 47 (transl. Joseph H. Peterson)
The Pleiades are a cluster of seven stars in the Taurus constellation. According to Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy, talismans of the Pleiades are great for acquiring secret knowledge, summoning spirits and improving one’s sight.
The Pleiades talisman election and creation
Pleione, one of the stars of the Pleiades, is rising. The Moon is few days after full. The Moon makes a very tight applying conjunction to Pleione (there are just over 3 degrees of separation) and an applying trine to the Sun, Mars and Saturn. The tight conjunction between the Moon and the star serves to make the effects of the talisman much more intense than usual.
The talisman was created by engraving the appropriate image and sigil on a rutilated quartz crystal and suffumigating with incense composed of frankincense and fennel at the elected time, as per the instructions given in the Book of Hermes on the Fixed Stars. The crystal was then set in a locket setting containing frankincense and fennel.
How astrological talismans work
Celestial talismans created during an elected time when the planetary force is particularly potent are batteries of intelligent energy animated by the Angel or Intelligence who rules that celestial object. One can think of them as physical embodiments of the virtue of a particular planet or star and carrying the talisman imbues the wearer with the virtue. In this instance, the Pleiades improves the bearer abilities to acquire and understand hidden knowledge, to summon spirits and winds.
There is currently ONE for sale at a price of £249 each plus £12 shipping to anywhere in the world. To purchase this talisman, please click on the Buy Now button below.