A planetary talisman ritual based on Franz Bardon and the Picatrix

This ritual draws together some of the elements of the Picatrix and Bardon’s Initiation into Hermetics to create a planetary talisman that is empowered by a planet and the elements.  The structure is based on the Golden Dawn inspired ‘An Elemental Ritual of Consecration’ described by its creator John Michael Greer in his book Circles of Power.

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How to survive a Mercury Retrograde

What is Mercury retrograde?

Mercury retrograde is said to occur when the planet when appears to be moving backwards in the heavens in relation to its regular movement.  Of course, the retrograde motion is apparent and not real in that it only appears to be slowing down in its orbit and moving backwards relative to our perspective here on Earth.  A physical explanation for this can be found here.

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Venus in Libra talisman elections

“The fifth table is of Venus, consisting of a square of seven drawn into it self, viz. of fourty nine numbers, whereof seven on each side and Diameter make 175. and the sum of all is 1225. And there are over it divine names with an Intelligency to good, and spirit to evil; And there is drawn out of it the Character of Venus, and the spirits thereof. This being engraven on a Silver plate, Venus being fortunate, procureth concord, endeth strife, procureth the love of women, conduceth to conception, is good against barreness, causeth ability for generation, dissolves enchantments, and causeth peace between man, and woman, and maketh all kind of Animals and Cattle fruitful; and being put into a Dove-house, causeth an increase of Pigeons. It conduceth to the cure of all melancholy distempers, and causeth joyfulness; and being carryed about travellers make them fortunate” – 3 Books of Occult Philosophy, Agrippa, Book 2,Chapter xxii

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Sun in Leo talisman elections

“The fourth table is of the Sun, and is made of a square of six, and contains thirty six numbers, whereof six in every side, and Diameter, produce 111, and the sum of all is 666. There are over it divine names with an Intelligency to what is good, with spirit to what is evil, and out of it is drawn Characters of the Sun, and the spirits thereof. This being engraven on a Golden plate with the Sun being fortunate, renders him that wears it to be renowned, amiable, acceptable, potent in all his works, and equals a man to Kings, and Princes, elevating him to high fortunes, inabling to do whatsoever he pleaseth …”

Henry Cornelius Agrippa, 3 Books of Occult Philosophy

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A Picatrix election for the destruction of enemies

“Make an image in the form and likeness of the one to whom you wish evil, in the hour of Mars, with the Moon in Scorpio; and if you are able, make the ascendant unfortunate, putting an infortune in the ascendant or forming a bad aspect to the ascendant, and put the infortune in aspect with the lord of the ascendant; and make unfortunate the lord of the ascendant and the lord of the fourth house, and make them aspect each other, or make unfortunate the lord of the ascendant in the fourth house, or have it received by a malefic in fourth house or ascendant.” The Picatrix, Book I, Chapter 5 transl. John Michael Greer & Christopher Warnock

Since we seems to be approaching the season of the malefics, let’s take a look at one of the more malicious uses for the electional astrology of the Picatrix.

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The Picatrix and the Invocation of Perfect Nature

Certain people inquired of Hermes the sage, asking: “With what are science and philsophy joined?”  He answered, “With Perfect Nature.”  They asked again, saying, “What is the root of science and philosophy?”  He said, “Perfect Nature.”  Then they questioned him more closely: “What is key by which science and philosophy are opened?”  He answered, “Perfect Nature.”  They then asked of him, “What is Perfect Nature?”  He answered, “Perfect Nature is the spirit of the philosopher or sage linked to the planet that governs him.  This is that which opens the closed places of knowledge and by which is understood that which cannot otherwise be understood at all, and from which workings proceed naturally both in sleep and waking.” Book III Chapter 6, The Picatrix transl. John Michael Greer & Christopher Warnock

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Mars in Scorpio elections

Mars is dignified by domicile in Scorpio this month from 9 December and will remain in that sign until the 19th of January next year.  It is a good time to do all those martial things you’ve been putting off like crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you and hearing the lamentation of their women.

Of course, if you are not a Cimmerian barbarian, or you are simply short of worthy enemies to vanquish, you may want to use the time to create a Mars talisman for strength, courage, protection and general Martian goodness.

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