Here is an election of the 13th Lunar Mansion, Al Awwa, for erotic love, to undo issues that prevent the consummation of a marriage or relationship, and for the removal of curses that prevent a man (or woman) from the enjoyment of sexual pleasure.
This Mansion can also be used for safe journeys, for wealth, for releasing prisoners, and to receive the goodwill of the great and the good, but we shall focus on its use for love since the Picatrix gives us a wonderful ritual for such a purpose. You can find more information about the Lunar Mansions here.
The Election
The election is set for London, UK. The time is 1.21PM on 28 May 2023.
Moon is waxing and she is rising in al Awwa. The Moon makes an applying sextile to Venus, planet of love, who is dignified by triplicity.
The Work
The Picatrix gives a lovely ritual or this Mansion and suggests the creation of two images in wax which are later bound together facing one another and wrapped in a silk cloth that has been washed in rose water.
The first image created is of a sexually aroused man with an erect penis. This image is created (or impressed) in red wax and is named for the man in question (whose name should be written on the breast of the image).
The second image is of a nude woman and is to formed of white wax. Similar to the first, this image should be named for the woman and her name written on the breast of the image.
Once these images are formed they are suffumigated with lignum aloes and amber, or other sweet smelling incense, and the Lord of the Mansion (Azerut according to the Latin Picatrix, and Jazeriel according to Agrippa) is petitioned to bring love and/or to remove any curses that prevent the satisfaction of one’s amorous desires.
Please note that this election is only viable for London, UK and will need to be rectified for your location. This is not simply a matter of correcting for time zones. If you would like me to cast an election for your location, you can order an election here.