“[Saturn] rules profound sciences, and the science of laws and seeking out the causes and roots of things and their effects, and speaking of wonders and understanding deep and secret qualities… When he is in good disposition and in his exaltation, however, he signifies purity, length of life, exaltation, joy, honour, wealth, inheritance, and the transmission of inheritances to sons and nephews.” – Picatrix, translated by John Michael Greer and Christopher Warnock
This election is for Saturn dignified in Aquarius and a dark (or eld of) the Moon. The traditional lore suggests a waning moon is beneficial for such things as invisibility, for reducing the influence of a thing, for malefic magic, or – if we think of the moon as old instead of waning – good for prolonging the effect of things or for long life.
Saturn is the natural significator of isolation, melancholy, asceticism, and ruler over scholars, monks, and those who spend time in deep study. A powerful Saturn talisman is likely to bring some of these qualities into your life, so it may be best to avoid this election unless Saturn is naturally friendly in your nativity
The Election
The time is 0412 (4.12AM) on 11 April 2021. The place is London, UK.
Saturn is rising in Aquarius and makes an applying trine to the Moon. The Moon is dark and Saturn hour is between 0330 and 0443.
Ritual suggestions
You may wish to follow the usual procedures for creating talismans described in the Picatrix, in Agrippa, on this site, or elsewhere. Start by choosing an appropriate gem or metal, compose a suitable incense, and at the elected time engrave the chosen image and say your prayers to Saturn, remembering to suffumigate the talisman once it has been consecrated.
The Picatrix suggests Saturn talismans for long life. The Greater Key of Solomon has pentacles for striking terror into spirits, to chase away spirits who guard treasures, to curse enemies and to cause earthquakes. Given the nature of the election, the talisman would be great for any of these aims.
Please note that this election is only viable for London, UK and will need to be rectified for your location. This is not simply a matter of correcting for time zones. If you would like me to cast an election for your location, you can order an election here.