Here is an election of the 7th Lunar Mansion, al-Dhira for luck, success in business and for the fulfillment of all earthly desires. You can find more information about the Lunar Mansions here.
Originally indicated by the stars Castor and Pollux, the Ghayat al-Hakim tells us the following about this Lunar Mansion:
“Talismans at this position are made for the promotion and blessing of trade and crops, as well as the safety of a voyager, for reconciliation between partners and friends, for preventing flies from entering a place of trade where they may spoil the product and necessitate redoing it. For the fulfillment of a wish from a ruler or a dignitary whom you hope to meet, for promoting the welfare of an escaped slave, for disposing of property, a house or money or similar assets from a person.” – Ghayat al-Hakim, transl. Hashem Atallah (ed. William Kiesel)
The Election
The election is set for London, UK on Monday 28 December 2020. The time is 23:03 (11:03PM).
The Moon is waxing and culminating in the Mansion of al-Dhira. She makes no harsh aspects to planets and makes an applying trine to a dignified Mars.
The Work
Agrippa in his Three Books of Occult Philosophy gives us the following image and ritual for use for this Mansion:
“In the seventh, for to obtain every good thing, they sealed in silver the Image of a man well clothed, holding up his hands to heaven as it were praying and supplicating, and perfumed it with good odors.” – Henry Cornelius Agrippa, 3 Books of Occult Philosophy, Book 2, Chapter 46
Book 4, Chapter 9 of the Picatrix expands on these suggestions and encourages us to create a seal in silver bearing the image of a robed man with his hands held aloft as if he were praying. The name of the Spirit of this mansion (Siely or Selehe according to the Pixatrix, and Scheliel acccording to Agrippa) is inscribed on the chest of the image. This talisman is then perfumed with sweet smelling substances and the Spirit is petitioned to bring to us those things that we desire.
This mansion has gained some degree of notoriety in Hermetic circles since Franz Bardon in his Practice of Magical Evocation suggests that a seal be made of the 7th Head of the Moon, Emrudue, in silver for the fulfillment of all earthly desires:
“Emrudue – If a person not initiated into magic wears the seal of the seventh head of the Moon sphere, manufactured during the astrological period of the seventh moon station and engraved on a silver plate, he or she will have good luck and success, and, above all, have any earthly desire fulfilled. The trained magician, having got into contact with this head, will be taught how to realize all his wishes by force of moon magic, no matter whether they concern the mental, astral or physical world. Emrudue brings the magician good luck and success and likes to put his subordinates as familiar spirits at the latter’s disposal.” – Franz Bardon, The Practice of Magical Evocation
Of course, the creation of a functional talisman of the 7th Head of the Moon Sphere would require some degree of contact with this Head in Bardon’s system, but it is interesting to note that the sigil of Emrudue bears a symbolic resemblance to a man with arms held aloft to the heavens:
Indeed, many of Bardon’s seals for the Heads of the Moon Sphere bear resemblances to the images for the Lunar Mansions described in the Picatrix suggesting that Bardon may have had a copy of this book in his library.
Please note that elections are location dependent and cannot be used by simply correcting for timezone. If you would like for me to elect a suitable time for you to make a talisman of the 7th Lunar Mansion, or any other talisman, you can order an election by contacting me here.