“From the operations of Mercury, they made an image at the hour of Mercury, Mercury ascending in Gemini, the form of which was a handsome young man, bearded, having in his left hand a rod in which a serpent is twined about, in his right carrying a dart, having his feet winged. They report that this image confers knowledge, eloquence, diligence in merchandising and gain; moreover to beget peace and concord, and to cure fevers…” – Henry Cornelius Agrippa. Book 2, Chapter 43, Three Books of Occult Philosophy translated by Joseph H Peterson via his Esoteric Archives.
Mercury recently entered his own sign of Gemini recently and will remain in his sign until the 28th of this month. This is a very good time to make talismans and to do magic to increase business, for gambling and speculation, to improve one’s understanding and intelligence, to magnify one’s ability to learn and study, to develop one’s divinatory and precognitive abilities, or to contact spirits through dreams.
William Lilly tells us that a person with a strong Mercury is “a man of a subtil and politick brain, intellect, and cogitation; an excellent disputant or logician, arguing with learning and discretion, and using much eloquence in his speech, a searcher into all kinds of mysteries and learning, sharp and witty, learning almost anything without a teacher; ambitious of being exquisite in every science, desirous naturally of travel and seeing foreign parts: a man of an unwearied fancy, curious in the search of any occult knowledge; able by his own genius to produce wonders; given to divination and the more secret knowledge; if he turn merchant, no man exceeds him in a way of trade or invention of new ways whereby to obtain wealth.”
I present an election to create a Mercury talisman below. This is a good time to create a talisman to acquire or improve these benefic qualities of Mercury.
The election
The time is 1401 (2.01PM) on 18 May 2020. The place is London, UK.
Mercury is culminating in his own sign of Gemini. It is Mercury hour, and Mercury makes an applying conjunction to Venus. The Moon is peregrine, in her waning phase, and she makes an applying sextile to Mercury and Venus.
Please note that this election is only viable for London, UK and will need to be rectified for your location. This is not simply a matter of correcting for time zones. If you would like me to cast an election for your location, you can order an election here.