Seek from Mars … concerning infirmities of the body from the groin downwards, and also for phlebotomy, accumulation of gas, and the like. – Picatrix II.7, transl .John Michael Greer & Christopher Warnock
This is a rather pleasant election for Mars while he is exalted in Capricorn.
Mars has a rather bad reputation in traditional astrology – and sometimes deservedly so – since he is associated with death, bloodshed, war, surgery, separations, and other less than pleasant things. However, when Mars is not splitting skulls or vanquishing enemies, he can also be found in a physician’s garb healing the sick, in a lab coat working hard to eradicate disease, or in regular clothes overcoming obstacles and conquering adversaries and competitors of diverse kinds.
If you are need of healing, or simply want a talisman for healing diseases to hand in case of emergencies, the second pentacle of Mars from the Greater Key of Solomon is probably what you are looking for. It is associated with light, life and the creative power of Divine Providence.
You can either make the talisman on iron or steel, or in red ink on paper or parchment. The procedure for the creation of this talisman can be found in the Greater Key of Solomon (a version of which Joseph H. Peterson has kindly made available for free at his Esoteric Archives).
The election
The election is set for London, UK. The date is 4 March 2020 and the time is 0410 (4.10am).
Mars is exalted in Capricorn and is ascending. Mars makes a conjunction to the benefic Jupiter which tempers the harshness of a strong Mars and brings out his more helpful qualities.
The Moon is peregrine and makes an applying trine to Mercury and applies to conjoin the benefic North Node. More importantly, the Moon is in the last few minutes of the very last degree of Gemini before she enters Cancer, the sign where she is strongest. This is a rather lovely symbolic indication of a swift and sudden recovery and increased power and vitality.
Mars hour is between 0330 and 0434. Preliminary invocations can start at the beginning of the planetary hour. Then, once the talisman has been drawn, or engraved, and censed at the elected time, the required psalms should be recited.
Please note, if you are in another location, the election will have to be rectified. This is not a simple matter of correcting for time zone. If you would like to order an election for you location, you can order one from me here.